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[求助] 用phpmyadmin导出数据库时,发现以下东东,请教一下这是什么?是不是种毒了
- --
- -- 存储过程
- --
- CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `addBet`(_uid int, _amount float, _username varchar(16) character set utf8)
- begin
- declare parentId1 int; -- 上级ID
- declare parentId2 int; -- 上上级ID
- declare pname varchar(16) character set utf8; -- 上级用户名
- declare CommissionBase float(10,2); -- 佣金目标
- declare CommissionParentAmount float(10,2); -- 上级金额
- declare CommissionParentAmount2 float(10,2); -- 上上级金额
- declare cur Decimal(12,4);
- declare _commisioned tinyint(1);
- select bet into cur from ssc_member_bet where uid=_uid and date=date_format(now(),'%Y%m%d');
- if cur is null THEN
- INSERT into ssc_member_bet(uid, username, date, bet, commisioned) values(_uid, _username, date_format(now(),'%Y%m%d'), _amount, 0);
- end if;
- if cur is not null THEN
- update ssc_member_bet set bet=bet+_amount where uid=_uid and date=date_format(now(),'%Y%m%d');
- end if;
- select bet into cur from ssc_member_bet where uid=_uid and date=date_format(now(),'%Y%m%d');
- select commisioned into _commisioned from ssc_member_bet where uid=_uid and date=date_format(now(),'%Y%m%d');
- select `value` into CommissionBase from ssc_params where name='conCommissionBase' limit 1;
- if cur >= CommissionBase and _commisioned=0 then
- select `value` into CommissionParentAmount from ssc_params where name='conCommissionParentAmount' limit 1;
- select `value` into CommissionParentAmount2 from ssc_params where name='conCommissionParentAmount2' limit 1;
- select `parentId` into parentId1 from ssc_members where uid=_uid;
- if parentId1 is not null and CommissionParentAmount>0 THEN
- call setCoin(CommissionParentAmount, 0, parentId1, 53, 0, concat('[', _username, ']消费佣金'), 0, '', '');
- select `parentId` into parentId2 from ssc_members where uid=parentId1;
- if parentId2 is not null and CommissionParentAmount2>0 THEN
- select `username` into pname from ssc_members where uid=parentId1;
- call setCoin(CommissionParentAmount2, 0, parentId2, 53, 0, concat('[', pname,'->', _username, ']消费佣金'), 0, '', '');
- end if;
- update ssc_member_bet set commisioned=1 where uid=_uid and date=date_format(now(),'%Y%m%d');
- end if;
- end if;
- end$
- CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `addRecharge`(_uid int, _username varchar(16) character set utf8)
- begin
- declare parentId1 int; -- 上级ID
- declare parentId2 int; -- 上上级ID
- declare pname varchar(16) character set utf8; -- 上级用户名
- declare _rechargeCommissionAmount float(10,2); -- 佣金目标
- declare _rechargeCommission float(10,2); -- 上级金额
- declare _rechargeCommission2 float(10,2); -- 上上级金额
- declare _commisioned TINYINT(1); -- 是否已经派发
- declare cur float(10,2);
- select sum(amount) into cur from ssc_member_recharge where state!=0 and isDelete=0 and uid=_uid and actionTime BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE(NOW())) and UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW());
- select `value` into _rechargeCommissionAmount from ssc_params where name='rechargeCommissionAmount' limit 1;
- select rechargeCommisioned into _commisioned from ssc_member_bet where uid=_uid and date=date_format(now(),'%Y%m%d');
- if cur is not null and cur >=_rechargeCommissionAmount and _commisioned=0 THEN
- select `value` into _rechargeCommission from ssc_params where name='rechargeCommission' limit 1;
- select `value` into _rechargeCommission2 from ssc_params where name='rechargeCommission2' limit 1;
- select `parentId` into parentId1 from ssc_members where uid=_uid;
- if parentId1 is not null and _rechargeCommission>0 THEN
- call setCoin(_rechargeCommission, 0, parentId1, 53, 0, concat('[', _username, ']充值佣金'), 0, '', '');
- select `parentId` into parentId2 from ssc_members where uid=parentId1;
- if parentId2 is not null and _rechargeCommission2>0 THEN
- select `username` into pname from ssc_members where uid=parentId1;
- call setCoin(_rechargeCommission2, 0, parentId2, 53, 0, concat('[', pname,'->', _username, ']充值佣金'), 0, '', '');
- end if;
- update ssc_member_bet set rechargeCommisioned=1 where uid=_uid and date=date_format(now(),'%Y%m%d');
- end if;
- end if;
- end$
- CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `addScore`(_uid int, _amount float)
- begin
- declare bonus float;
- select `value` into bonus from ssc_params where name='scoreProp' limit 1;
- set bonus=bonus*_amount;
- if bonus then
- update ssc_members u, ssc_params p set u.score = u.score+bonus, u.scoreTotal=u.scoreTotal+bonus where u.`uid`=_uid;
- end if;
- end$
- CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `clearData`(dateInt int(11))
- begin
- declare endDate int;
- set endDate = dateInt;
- -- set endDate = unix_timestamp(dateString)+24*3600;
- -- 投注
- delete from ssc_bets where kjTime < endDate and lotteryNo <> '';
- -- 帐变
- delete from ssc_coin_log where actionTime < endDate;
- -- 管理员日志
- delete from ssc_admin_log where actionTime < endDate;
- -- 会员登录session
- delete from ssc_member_session where accessTime < endDate;
- -- 提现
- delete from ssc_member_cash where actionTime < endDate and state <> 1;
- -- 充值
- delete from ssc_member_recharge where actionTime < endDate and state <> 0;
- delete from ssc_member_recharge where actionTime < endDate-24*3600 and state = 0;
- -- select 1, _fanDian, _parentId;
- end$
- CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `conComAll`(baseAmount float, parentAmount float, parentLevel int)
- begin
- declare conUid int;
- declare conUserName varchar(255);
- declare tjAmount float;
- declare done int default 0;
- declare dateTime int default unix_timestamp(curdate());
- declare cur cursor for
- select b.uid, b.username, sum(b.`mode` * b.actionNum * b.beiShu) _tjAmount from ssc_bets b where b.kjTime>=dateTime and b.uid not in(select distinct l.extfield0 from ssc_coin_log l where l.liqType=53 and l.actionTime>=dateTime and l.extfield2=parentLevel) group by b.uid having _tjAmount>=baseAmount;
- declare continue HANDLER for not found set done=1;
- -- select baseAmount , parentAmount , parentLevel;
- open cur;
- repeat fetch cur into conUid, conUserName, tjAmount;
- -- select conUid, conUserName, tjAmount;
- if not done then
- call conComSingle(conUid, parentAmount, parentLevel);
- end if;
- until done end repeat;
- close cur;
- end$
- CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `conComSingle`(conUid int, parentAmount float, parentLevel int)
- begin
- declare parentId int;
- declare superParentId int;
- declare conUserName varchar(255) character set utf8;
- declare p_username varchar(255) character set utf8;
- declare liqType int default 53;
- declare info varchar(255) character set utf8;
- declare done int default 0;
- declare cur cursor for
- select p.uid, p.parentId, p.username, u.username from ssc_members p, ssc_members u where u.parentId=p.uid and u.`uid`=conUid;
- declare continue HANDLER for not found set done=1;
- open cur;
- repeat fetch cur into parentId, superParentId, p_username, conUserName;
- -- select parentId, superParentId, p_username, conUserName, parentLevel;
- if not done then
- if parentLevel=1 then
- if parentId and parentAmount then
- set info=concat('下级[', conUserName, ']消费佣金');
- call setCoin(parentAmount, 0, parentId, liqType, 0, info, conUid, conUserName, parentLevel);
- end if;
- end if;
- if parentLevel=2 then
- if superParentId and parentAmount then
- set info=concat('下级[', conUserName, '<=', p_username, ']消费佣金');
- call setCoin(parentAmount, 0, superParentId, liqType, 0, info, conUid, conUserName, parentLevel);
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- until done end repeat;
- close cur;
- end$
- CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `consumptionCommission`()
- begin
- declare baseAmount float;
- declare baseAmount2 float;
- declare parentAmount float;
- declare superParentAmount float;
- call readConComSet(baseAmount, baseAmount2, parentAmount, superParentAmount);
- -- select baseAmount, baseAmount2, parentAmount, superParentAmount;
- if baseAmount>0 then
- call conComAll(baseAmount, parentAmount, 1);
- end if;
- if baseAmount2>0 then
- call conComAll(baseAmount2, superParentAmount, 2);
- end if;
- end$
- CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `delUser`(_uid int)
- begin
- -- 投注
- delete from ssc_bets where `uid`=_uid;
- -- 帐变
- delete from ssc_coin_log where `uid`=_uid;
- -- 管理员日志
- delete from ssc_admin_log where `uid`=_uid;
- -- 会员登录session
- delete from ssc_member_session where `uid`=_uid;
- -- 提现
- delete from ssc_member_cash where `uid`=_uid;
- -- 充值
- delete from ssc_member_recharge where `uid`=_uid;
- -- 银行
- delete from ssc_member_bank where `uid`=_uid;
- -- 用户
- delete from ssc_members where `uid`=_uid;
- end$
- CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `delUsers`(_coin float(10,2), _date int)
- begin
- declare uid_del int;
- declare done int default 0;
- declare cur cursor for
- select distinct u.uid from ssc_members u, ssc_member_session s where u.uid=s.uid and (u.coin+u.fcoin)<_coin and s.accessTime<_date and not exists(select u1.`uid` from ssc_members u1 where u1.parentId=u.`uid`)
- union
- select distinct u2.uid from ssc_members u2 where (u2.coin+u2.fcoin)<_coin and u2.regTime<_date and not exists (select s1.uid from ssc_member_session s1 where s1.uid=u2.uid);
- declare continue HANDLER for not found set done = 1;
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