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Reason: Hacked/rooted server
More details: We have detected hacking activity on this server
Additional information:
KiwiVM has detected the following process on this server:
[getty] /usr/bin/bsd-port/getty
This process is a malware binary installed on the server with the sole purpose to perform abuse (DoS attacks, spamming, etc).
Seems like this server has been compromised and therefore it has been suspended to prevent further damage.
List of processes
180348 screen SCREEN -d -m -S lanmp -t lanmp -s /bin/bash
180350 bash /bin/bash
195833 nginx nginx: master process /www/wdlinux/nginx/sbin/nginx -c /www/wdlinux/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
195836 nginx nginx: worker process
195837 nginx nginx: worker process
195838 nginx nginx: worker process
195844 php-fpm php-fpm: master process (/www/wdlinux/nginx_php-5.3.29/etc/php-fpm.conf)
195846 php-fpm php-fpm: pool www
195847 php-fpm php-fpm: pool www
199479 udp28 ./udp28
201270 getty /usr/bin/bsd-port/getty
201450 .sshd /usr/bin/.sshd
545291 wdcp /www/wdlinux/wdcp/wdcp
591403 mysqld_safe /bin/sh /www/wdlinux/mysql-5.1.69/bin/mysqld_safe --datadir=/www/wdlinux/mysql-5.1.69/var --pid-file=/www/wdlinux/mysql-5.1.69/var/localhost.localdomain.pid
591625 mysqld /www/wdlinux/mysql-5.1.69/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/www/wdlinux/mysql-5.1.69 --datadir=/www/wdlinux/mysql-5.1.69/var --user=mysql --log-error=/www/wdlinux/mysql-5.1.69/var/localhost.localdomain.err --pid-file=/www/wdlinux/mysql-5.1.69/var/localhost.localdomain.pid --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock --port=3306
591779 pure-ftpd pure-ftpd (SERVER)
1011542 init init
1011543 kthreadd/511189
1011544 khelper/511189
1012295 sshd /usr/sbin/sshd
1012326 ssserver /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/ssserver -s ::0 -p 443 -k YWYyMTViMj -m aes-256-cfb --user nobody --workers 2 -d start
1012328 ssserver /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/ssserver -s ::0 -p 443 -k YWYyMTViMj -m aes-256-cfb --user nobody --workers 2 -d start
1012329 ssserver /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/ssserver -s ::0 -p 443 -k YWYyMTViMj -m aes-256-cfb --user nobody --workers 2 -d start
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